Community Outreach Programs

Soup Kitchen – School Supplies Distribution – Winter Coat Drive – Seminars

Please look out for more information about our upcoming Community Outreach programs through IJS emails.

Chromebook Donation: IJS is participating with JAINA to donate Chromebooks to needy students to help with their online studying due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.


Aahar Seva (Soup Kitchen)

  • To feed the hungry and needy with compassion, love and dignity

Aahar Seva is an integral part of IJS programs. Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding.

Since our modest start of Aahar Seva two years ago, we have participated in 27 volunteer events where we provided prepared food to various shelters. Your energy, enthusiasm contributed to last year’s success, and we hope to have another great year of service and impact with your support. We invite you to participate again in our events this year.

We have been honored to provide food to these centers:

  • Elijah Soup Kitchen
  • Hunger Van
  • Ozanam Men’s Shelter
  • Ozanam Women’s Shelter
  • Tent City

Please join-us to volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little as you would like or have time for. You can sponsor the event and we also need volunteers to cook food on premises at a Soup Kitchen.

School Supplies:

Every year we collect school supplies at picnic and deliver to United Way. United Way distributes the items to different schools for children in need. Please bring supplies or donate funds at our summer picnic and IJS volunteers will collect them from you.

Winter Coat drive:

We will collect winter clothes of all sizes (children and adult) during Diwali and IJS volunteers will deliver the clothes to people in need. Please bring new or lightly used winter clothes and coats at our Diwali Utsav.

If you are interested in any of the above Community Outreach Programs, please reach us through the details provided on Contacts Us page of this website. You can also see some of the photo’s from our prior programs under IJS Photo Album links.